Life lessons in photography

Photography has been a big part of my life for many years now. Throughout these years, I have grown and learned more than I imagined I could. It has been quite the journey, and I’ve had my camera with me through every big event.


So, what has photography taught me throughout life?

  • To keep my eyes open. Always be aware of my surroundings and the people around me.
  • To capture the moment, but don’t let the camera overtake the moment.
  • Everyone has a story, and everyone is unique.

The Digital Photography School wrote up an article similar to this. They wanted to share what life lessons can teach you about photography. A few that they selected were:

  • Say “thank you!” more often. Tip: When someone compliments your work, say, “thank you!” with a big smile, and nothing more.
  • Charge what you’re worth. Tip: Evaluate your pricing.

There are so many things that photography can teach us. What has it taught you?